Why Are You Obeying God?

holding his bible

Sometimes it feels like our churches are filled with older sons, as in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15): our obedience is for the purpose of getting things from God.

We try to be faithful because we feel that warrants more love from our Father. Like the older son who got angry when the younger son received a feast after rebelling against his Dad. The older brother saw his obedience as something his father was indebted to. He didn’t obey because he loved his father, he obeyed because he loved the blessings his father would give him.

I look around at many conservative Anabaptists and see this same pattern happening.

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Why Does He Experience God More Than Me?

Sometimes it seems as though faith in God comes easier for some then it does for others. It puzzles me. One person readily accepts the mystery of faith and embraces the truth of God’s Word, another spends years wrestling with questions and can’t sense the presence of God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjqvYVVW_sg Friends, very close friends to me, […]

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