Another black man was shot in Wisconsin over this past weekend. “Oh Lord, help us!”

I think the saddest thing about it all has been how in the three months since George Floyd’s death, all that most white Christians have seemed to be able to do is argue over whether or not we say #blacklivesmatter because of BLM, the organization.
We haven’t acknowledged racial injustice is real. Instead, we’ve argued that it’s a lie created by the Left.
We haven’t taken time to learn and understand the issues in the past that have built up to the present conflicts. Instead, we’ve argued these issues are all about taking down Trump in the coming elections.
Some have gotten hung up with debating Critical Race Theory. Others have dug up the few black voices that confirm their white biases.
Many have done little wrestling with scriptural texts that call God’s people to be a people of justice, consequently turning a blind eye to how they have benefitted from a system of injustice.
We have grown more in-love with the American nation-state. We’ve bulled and ridiculed black brothers and sisters and others we disagree with.
Now, another incident has happened that communicates to the black community their lives don’t matter, and the rest of us are nowhere closer to understanding why a man being shot in the back seven times by police communicates to black people that they don’t, in fact, matter.
“He has a criminal background,” we say. As if that justified excessive use of force by those in positions of power.
“Oh, Lord, have mercy on us! We have sinned.”
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