Why is it that in the middle of a pandemic, if you walk into a store in a state that requires masking, it’s usually “conservative Christians” who are the ones ignoring the requirements?
Even more, why do so many Anabaptists act as if they shouldn’t have to obey state requirements regarding COVID-19 regulations?

This past week, a mentor friend of mine sent me the inaugural article from ViewPoint, which is a team primarily of ordained Anabaptist men formed to address particular issues, drawing in people experienced in the subjects.
According to their website, ViewPoint was formed in response to repeated calls for help in addressing issues facing conservative Anabaptist leaders.
A number of church leaders asked Faith Builders (Guys Mills) to facilitate the effort. The ViewPoint executive committee includes Steven Brubaker (PA), Merle Burkholder (ON), John Coblentz (PA), Matt Landis (PA), Gary Miller (ID), and David Yoder (KS). Materials produced by ViewPoint are intended to assist and encourage church leaders, not to dictate or control them.
This past year has been extremely difficult on many levels. One of the most difficult areas for many has been figuring out how to respond to government regulations that seem to infringe on both religious liberties and healthy, Christian community.
We have certainly struggled to always discern the proper responses here in Los Angeles. Thankfully, the weather is such that we can easily meet outdoors for many of our church gatherings.
But what about getting together with friends? How do we connect on a deep level when we’re asked not to mix households within homes?
As I read this article, I was challenged in ways beyond COVID-19 regulations. I must admit that it has been far too easy to take exception with various state regulations in work, play, or even entertainment (how many of us watch pirated movies?).
This article certainly doesn’t make life easier for us; but it challenges us to maintain a faithful witness to the ethics of Jesus in all areas of life. Every one of us ought to read and heed the wisdom of these leaders.
I was given permission to share the article on my blog. As I understand it, ViewPoint only makes these articles available for church leaders via email, at the moment. I believe their next one addresses vaccines, which ought to be just as challenging! Check out their website for more info.
In the meantime, here is ViewPoint’s inaugural article, Anabaptist Exceptionalism:
Anabaptist-ExceptionalismI’d love to hear your thoughts after you read it. Feel free to share them in the comments below. Also, consider sharing this article with your friends via email, Facebook, or Twitter.
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