Have you ever wondered why men often find it hard to stick with an accountability group or partner? They may have seemed into it, at first. But then something happens that causes them to peter off.

Why is that?
According to Proven Men research, more than 60% of Christian men confess to viewing pornography at least monthly. When it comes to struggling with sexual sin, one of the first areas we often address is the need for accountability.
And we need accountability.
However, something isn’t working in our accountability groups. Too often they fail to actually help men walk in lasting freedom from porn.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Accountability groups can be far more effective than most of them currently are. We just need a little bit of guidance.
Because of this area of need, I’ve written an ebook on how to build accountability groups that effectively help men find lasting freedom. The best part? It’s completely free!
You can download your copy below and begin learning how you can build accountability groups that facilitate long-term freedom today.
This relatively quick (7.5 min) and certainly easy read goes over the six most common reasons these types of groups fail to help men find lasting freedom.
But it doesn’t end there.
It goes on to show how you could avoid these mistakes and build accountability groups that work.
Click the button below and fill out the form to download your own copy today!
Question: When you’re finished, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Does it ring true with you? Do these suggestions offer hope for making your accountability times more effective? You can share in the comments below.
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