My 3rd and 4th most-read posts on the blog in 2016

2016 has been another successful year of blogging. I published over 75 posts that were read more than 185,000 times. Today I’m going to re-share with you the third and fourth most-read posts.

Nothing helps to give perspective to one’s writing than knowing the story behind the author. I find it interesting that the fourth most-read post of 2016 on this blog isn’t even a post, it’s my “about” page where I share my story. If you want to know more about me personally and what motivates my writing, check it out.

Here’s to Hear My Story.

Number three was published the end of August and viewed more than 4,500 times in the last four months.

There is a lot of uncertainty in Christianity today, especially among the younger generation. Church is frustrating, whether you come from a more traditional background or a progressive one. Either it’s full of ritual and stringent practice or obsessed with growth and modern advances. Many people are walking away and this post tells why.

Here’s to What This Generation of Anabaptists Really Want.

We’ll finish off the top two next time. 😉

Question: what was your favorite post of 2016? Share in the comments.