In the past number of years, I have noticed there are primarily three kinds of millennial Christians.

These millennials often discover weaknesses in their upbringing and strengths in other denominations, which leads them to struggle to know how to reconcile everything. Let’s define what I’m talking about.
Everyone has a background, mine is Christian. More specifically, I was taught that Jesus is the only Way, Truth, and Life and that we should follow Him in every aspect of life. Furthermore, we read the Bible and go to church, and all that good stuff.
By millennials, I am referring to the generation between Generation X (those born in the mid-1960’s), and Generation Z (those born in the mid-1990’s and early 2000’s). Technically, I’m on the younger end of millennials (or Generation Y) since I was born in 1991. Nevertheless, I find myself identifying mostly with the struggles and questions of Gen Y, or millennials.
So, let’s be clear, I’m talking to and about those of us who are not only from Christian background, but also fall into the millennial age group. In general, there are three kinds of millennial Christians. I wrote an eBook about the three kinds of millennial Christians, which you can get absolutely FREE.
Millennial Christians live in a unique era of the church. Not only are there technological advances beyond their parents dreams, the church, especially in America, is in tremendous flux. What I mean by that is millennial Christians are leaving the church in droves, but not necessarily because they are throwing out their faith. Most of them are just tired of how church is done. Regardless of denominational affiliation.
In the landscape of church these days, I see three kinds of millennials. Which kind do you think you are?
Fill out the form below, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of 3 Kinds of Millennial Christians: wrestling with the weaknesses of ourselves and the strengths of others.
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Readers are saying…
It brings some comfort to my heart to know that I am not the only one with these thoughts, struggles, and dare I say, at times, frustrations. -Mr. K
A very good read! I appreciate your insight Asher. -Jason
Wow, this is very insightful! I love your words of wisdom to each group, words that apply to all of us! -Rosina
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