It’s my wife’s birthday, today. She’s as young and beautiful as ever!

I’d like to honor her today by spilling some of her best kept secrets. You may not know much about her, since I haven’t exactly detailed her life on here (and don’t plan to), but she truly is an amazing women. I’ll tell you more about that in a bit. First, here are 12 secret facts you need to know about her. (Yes, she gave reluctant permission for me to publish this. :-).)
Secret Facts about My Wife, Teresa
- First of all, her middle name is Janae (beauty!)
- She is a year and a half older than me! (No worries, I still wear the pants)
- She spent a year living in India (and got mugged on the way)
- She coordinated our first date ;-p (She’ll have my hide for that) *Leave a comment if you want to know more
- I taught her how to drive a motorcycle. In Thailand. Before we started dating, even. It was one of my responsibilities as the team leader of that trip. Well, kind of.
- We met at Bible school (“one of thooossse” 😀 )
- She makes the best bread-bowl soups! (come try some!)
- She has traveled more than I have (I don’t find identity in being well-traveled. Nope.)
- She likes living in cities and driving busy streets
- Her colors are “winter colors” (whatever that means. Something I found that out soon after we started dating. I think I’m fall, or monsoon or something)
- She likes one rose with meaning over a lavish bouquet
- She is meek and mild on the outside, but a wild lion of creativity on the inside 🙂
Why I Really Like Her
One of the first times she stuck out to me as an amazing women was on a trip to the Tibetan region of China. I was the leader and she would do whatever I said. It even felt like she could sense my desire before I verbalized it.
After the trip, I handed out a questionnaire to the team about how I did as a leader—how I could improve. I figured she liked me when I got her questionnaire back and she spent most of the beginning and ending praising my leadership (the others didn’t do that). The middle paragraph had tremendous advice about communicating to everyone their role and what the team needs and expects of them. It was helpful and meaningful. I took her advice and did and even better job on the next trip I led (the trip where I taught her how to ride bike).
Teresa does an incredible job of making me look good and helping me be successful. And she’s not threatened by that. It’s fulfilling to her. Who I am and what I have become in the last two and a half years is because of who she is and what God is doing in our lives, together. She doesn’t try to control me, but trusts me in such a way that causes me to feel the importance of walking in-tune with God.
If you’re wanting to know what one of the top qualities in a lady that matters in marriage is, look for a lady who listens to God and actively follows Him. That kind of lady will support and empower you when God speaks to you. She will also gently challenge you when you have stepped out on your own ambition.
If you’re wanting to know how to motivate your man to love you, figure out what makes him tick and support that. God gave you talents, ideas and resources he needs. Use them to help him be successful and he will move into your life with love and intimacy.